Admissions Services Reviewed & Ranked

We bring transparency to the college admissions space.
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Best Admissions Services, Ranked

Best College Consulting Services
Best Self-Paced Admissions Courses
Best Summer Programs for Humanities
Best Application & Essay Review Services
Best SAT Prep Services
Best Summer Internships
Best ACT Prep Services
Best Summer Programs for Sciences
Best Paid Summer Courses
Rating Methodology

How We Rank The Best College Admissions Services

The college admissions process is a big investment, both financially and emotionally. That’s why we want to help you find the best possible college admissions service for you, at a price you can afford. Here’s how we determine what’s worth your money and time.

Quality of Experts

Are you getting the most qualified experts? Do they bait and switch you with less-experienced ones after you’ve paid?

Expected Outcome

How reliable is their service in delivering you the results you’re paying for? What’s the likelihood of success?

Value to Price

Are you getting your money’s worth? Is your investment translating into better college outcomes?

User Experience

Is their customer support friendly, helpful, and responsive? Will they help you stay accountable? Will they work around your schedule?


What makes them stand out, for better or worse? Why should (or shouldn’t) you choose this service over their competitors?


Most Popular Admissions Services


Empowerly Review

For us, Empowerly offers a mixed bag of results. While the company provides a …

Admission Science Review

Admission Science stands out for its unique DIY approach, direct support from highly …

Quad Education Review

For us, Quad Education is a mixed bag. They have a large team of consultants with …

Our Mission

Applying to college can be a daunting task. There’s so much to think about: test scores, extracurriculars, essays, and more. And with the competition for top schools so fierce, it’s no wonder that many families turn to admissions consultants for help.

But the college admissions consulting industry is notoriously opaque. It’s hard to know which consultants are qualified and which ones are just out to make a buck. That’s where AdmissionsRank comes in.

We’re a team of passionate parents and former students who are on a mission to bring transparency to the industry. We rank and review admissions services to help you make an informed decision about who to hire.

Why AdmissionsRank?

We’re transparent. We publish our rankings criteria publicly, and we use data that is publicly available.
We don’t do paid reviews. We don’t accept money for reviews, so we always give you our real positions.
We’re up-to-date. We update our rankings and reviews each year to be as accurate as possible.
We’ve been in your shoes! We are parents and former students who understand the pain of finding a trusted service!

Ready to Get Started?

Click below to browse all reviews college admissions services. You can also find them broken out by different categories and types of service. And if you have any questions, comments, or corrections, please don’t hesitate to contact us.
Admissions Rank